earthbag · ebook

Kerry started building without even a clue …

She’d been camping on a hillside on her newly-bought land. But a storm was coming, and her neighbor said she needed a house. That night, her tent attempted to fly away with her. That was just the beginning. For the last three years, Atulya K “Kerry” Bingham has been blogging her adventures in earthbag housing on… Continue reading Kerry started building without even a clue …

social media

This One Simple Trick Drastically Reduced My Time on Facebook

There are pages all over the Internet about how to reduce the time Facebook steals from your day. This one, in fact, is a really good place to start. But none of them mention the one handy trick I used to win back my life! It turned out to be far simpler than I expected.… Continue reading This One Simple Trick Drastically Reduced My Time on Facebook

yia yia's waggon


Some numbers, for my reference and your convenience. Links are to measurement tools and products. Square feet of siding that I need: 330Using 1×6 cedar T&G/shiplap: 792 linear feet Using 1×4 cedar T&G/shiplap: 1320 linear feet Furring strips, every 16 inches on center: 12 for each side, 6 per each end, 36 total Square feet… Continue reading Numb3rs