yia yia's waggon

Toe Kick Madness

Today I learned that the recessed space at the bottom of cabinets is called a toe kick. Bless the toe kick! Until I lived in the little RV I called “F House” (and that’s another story) I didn’t just take toe kicks for granted; I didn’t even notice them.

But once I lived in a space with very little space in it, every bit of space made much more difference. And when I was walking my nine-and-a-halfs between a bench seat and a pole-mounted tabletop several times a day, the lack of toe space down there in F House became keenly felt. And it’s back-wrenching to have to lean forward to look into some nook when I can’t get my feet any closer, and that’s just frustrating.

Furniture items with legs have the toe kick built in, which is great (until you stub your toe on one, anyway). Not all built-in cabinets have it. My RV didn’t have any, and the shepherd’s huts I’ve been looking at don’t have them, either.


Oh, here’s something fun to do with toe kicks.