
Unsuccessful People Fly By the Seat of Their Pants

Unsuccessful people fly by the seat of their pants, as opposed to successful people, who keep a to-do/project list. I keep a list but I have limited success getting the things on it accomplished. Much has to do with allocating time, especially when there’s a conflict between family time and project time. Or between “taking care of myself” time and project time. When I come home exhausted from a particularly trying day, whatever project I might have wanted to attend to is just not going to get any attention that night.

I don’t know how to correct this. I have observed in the past that the more passionate I feel about a project, the more creative I’m inspired to get about designating time for it. Maybe project selection is a factor. Maybe level of commitment is a factor.

Either way, a plan is better than just winging it. And leaving room in the plan for edits is okay too.