
Referenda and the Will of the People

Seems to me, when a matter goes to referendum or ballot initiative, that means that the will of the people has not been represented at all by the usual means. And that’s sad enough.

When a referendum gets passed and then is overruled by the legislature, it’s plain that the will of the people has no bearing at all in the law. And that’s not just sad. It’s scary.

For those who may have forgotten who voted for what, here it is. 

H.B. 3001 Utah Medical Cannabis Act

(The one that overrode the medical marijuana referendum in 2018.)

Bill Sponsor

Rep. Hughes, Gregory H.

Floor Sponsor

Sen. Vickers, Evan J.

Final Vote in the House

Final Vote in the Senate


Gov. Herbert, Gary R.

S.B. 96 Medicaid Expansion Adjustments

(The one that overrode the Medicaid Expansion referendum in 2019.)

Bill Sponsor

Sen. Christensen, Allen M.

Floor Sponsor

Rep. Dunnigan, James A.

Final Vote in the Senate

Final Vote in the House


Gov. Herbert, Gary R.

S.B. 2001 Tax Restructuring Revisions

(The tax bill that spurred another ballot initiative bid before being nearly unanimously repealed.)

Bill Sponsor

Sen. Hillyard, Lyle W.

Floor Sponsor

Rep. Gibson, Francis D.

Final Vote in the Senate

Final Vote in the House


Gov. Herbert, Gary R.