Eminent Moves 

This entire site will be moving very soon.  Warehouse, Unstable, the photo albums, everything.  The new URL will be http://www.springdew.com/personal/ but don't bother going over there just yet, it isn't set up. 
    Another eminent move is getting a bit farther into the future.  I had hoped to move to Brooklyn this month, but it looks as if it's not meant to be, just yet.  It's ok, so far everything that has happened to me has benefitted me, eventually.  Sometimes you just don't see the benefit right away. 
    Remember the event that sparked the arise of mourningdove?  Well, take that scene, make a cast change and a couple alterations to the script, and you have last night.  The night part was much the same, I was up worrying about whether a loved one was living or dead or hospitalized or managing some terrible crisis or who knows what.  The morning part was much better.  My beloved had simply gotten entangled in several highly demanding business situations all day and then, in a cold-induced exhaustion, had fallen unconscious upon his arrival home.  I know, it sounds so silly that I would get worried, but he is the kind of guy who if he says he'll call you, you can damn well count on it.  Don't think I blame him; you can't control what goes on, or rather what doesn't, when you are unconscious.