Hair Tearing
Ughhh!!!  I am about to go NUTS!  But it's a good thing.  :)
    When last I wrote, I was heading out to New York to work a trade show and promote my business.  Well.  Lemme tell ya, if you wanna kick your level of business and your number of contacts through the roof, do one of these shows.  And make sure you are in the minority.  I was the only web designer there, and one of only three web-based businesses.  Only a few people I spoke with said, "No we don't have a website and we don't need one."  And a couple of those I helped turn their attitudes around.  A few more said they were very satisfied with their site designs, but I planted a seed of doubt anyway <wicked grin>.  Most had no site at all or were just beginning to get one up that wasn't satisfactory.  The stack of cards I brought back is enormous, the urgent ones folded in the corner, almost all bearing notes about what's needed and how urgently.  So the past two days I have been following that up.  And doing some logo work for the first client that I got out of this trip.
    This morning I got up and helped cook breakfast.  For 244 people.  No I didn't cook all that much, I said I helped.  That was around 5 am.
    I've been very busy doing other things that I am not really redy to talk about yet, but it has to do with my future.  And it feels good to be in a position to do something about that.
    Now, I love Kinko's, a LOT.  When I lived in California, I just about lived at the corner Kinko's, did all my officey stuff there, and it was magnificent, even though all the puters were Macs.  :)  Am not real thrilled with the "local" Kinko's though.  Every branch has impressed me beyond belief, except this one.  First of all, it's more than a half hour's drive to get to, and it's the nearest one!  But I could deal with that if I got that same shining service I have really grown to enjoy.  I didn't get it.  Three times I have visited this particular one, and all three times I got treated with such rudeness, from different individuals, that it truly tarnished my love for the chain.  And that's sad, cuz I know how they started.
    Once upon a time there was this hippie guy who wanted to make photocopies, which were a new thing, more affordable and convenient for regular folks.  So he got a building that used to be a burger shack and stuffedd it with copiers.  The shack was so tiny that during business hours they had to wheel the copiers outdoors during the day for people to use and wheel them back in at night.  They guy was called Kinko, cuz of his abundantly curly hair.
    Heh, this is starting to sound like an ad.  I am amazed at the stuff they can do there, like teleconferencing even.  With video.
    So, anyway, they'll be hearing from me.  I feel as warm about them, normally, as I do about Bruegger's Bagels.  Heh, get me started on that one sometime.