What’s This About?

Warning! Although this novel is classified as Science Fiction rather than Erotica, there is explixit sex in it, some of which is kinky and perverted. Very perverted. Tentacle monster perverted, okay?

By popular request, I’ve added warnings to the segments to indicate some of the objectionable content so you can skip that part. I got a bit silly on the warnings, though, so I hope you forgive me. I have to carry everything to some kind of extreme, and I love to go for the funny.

NaNoWriMo LoGoNaNoWriMo is a group project wherein participants attempt to each write a 50,000-word novel during the month of November, using no recycled parts. I’ve attempted two NaNoWriMos, but haven’t completed one yet – third time’s the charm!

Please be aware that this is a first draft! The objective is to get 50,000 words, not to do it well. This is all spew, so you will encounter misspellings, continuity errors, bad turns of phrase, etc. etc. etc. and everything is completely out of chronological order. We write in November. We edit in December. There’s a thingy at the bottom of the side menu that has total words; it’s lenient, though. The official count is the one that comes from uploading the text to the NaNoWriMo site, so this is where you go to see it.

Well, back at it! See you in December.

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