21 Aug 00

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I Love Where I Live (Part III)

Today I biked the riverside neighborhoods as well as the depressed economy section of town. In the former, I spotted a guy with his family and a big brindle bull something, bull mastiff or terrier or some such, big and bullish. Anyway, I told him he had a beautiful dog, and he said menacingly, "She's trained too." His wife slapped him on the arm; she knows he's a doofus. I just gave him a "way to go" kind of nod and kept pedaling. What a prick. The nod was really more for the dog than the guy. She really was a wonderful looking dog.

In the other neighborhood I spied a market, and I've been needing pickles and cheese, but they had no hamburger pickle slices, the kind I like, there, so it didn't even seem worth bothering to fool with the cheese.

Onward, onward.

The depressed area really didn't look all that bad, certainly nothing like the poorer bits of Cleveland, Mississippi. Crossing back over the tracks, I saw that the park was full of red jerseyed youngsters practicing their football (US). Kids were bicycling all over the place and parents were coming and going and congregating and stuff.

Onward, onward.

I found the bar. Ooooooh, it's within walking distance. That might be worth falling off the wagon for. It's a tavern in what used to be a house. Looks right respectable.

The field adjacent the schoolground had a bunch of kids practicing their soccer (football). Not quite as much stirring, but still fun to look at. Then I completed the loop at the Wawa store.

A Wawa is some kind of goose. A Wawa store is a convenince chain store that is commonly found in PA, DE, and NJ. Maybe a few other states too, I dunno. They carry a lotta stuff. They are what I think about when I read of the Lucky Dragon in William Gibson novels. It's that kind of pre-fab, total homogenaiety, although some differences do exist, such as whether a Wawa store offers gasoline or not. My local one does not.

Nor does it offer hamburger pickle slices. Dammit. Had to get some Kosher spears anyway. But I did get half a pound of provalone, and ain't that nice?

I tried really hard to get a burn tonight, and just couldn't. I pedaled long, hard, and fast, but barely broke a sweat. Prolly should have gone to the library; they got a couple moderate hills on the way, and the copy of Father's Day could use switching out for another movie. The local library loans out movies for a week, not two days. Now ain't that nice?

Maybe I'll go tomorrow, after I get a haircut.  
