24 Nov 02


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Well, just about everything in my life came to a halt last week, to include the novel for NaNoWriMo. Three big things converged at once. One was the completion of all the paperwork for the INS to get Wlofie into the country so we can commence the living happily ever after - we were running headlong into a deadline and I needed to throw full focus on it. The second was a trade show in Orlando, and the preparations for it, in the push to get the sacrificial animal manufactured. The third was that I was sick.

Ok the third one's been ongoing for a couple weeks now. I've got something that makes me dead dog tired, so I need more sleep than usual, and it gives me alternating chills and sweats. It's really annoying, but not completely debilitating, and every time I decide to see the doctor about it, it lets up for a day or two and then hits me again later.

The trade show was way cool by the way. Napalm took a lot of pictures of the outside, which I hope to be able to share soon, and I have some brochures and such to scan in. Wish we could have taken pictures of the inside. There were lots of rides manufacturers, scenery experts, costumers, performers, foodservice equipment specialists, plushie manufacturers and importers (the reason we were there), special effects people, artisans of all kinds, and makers of just about any entertainment machinery you can think of. We took a stroll through the innards of a giant inflatable captive beast, like a cross between a pig and a dragon. I'll be scanning some from the brochure, unless I find a website for it.

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