27 Jun 00
 in the
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My Hobby

     I don't think I ever mentioned it explicitly, but my main hobby is research. Whatever catches my fancy, or a subject that is relevant to something I am doing, doesn't matter. I usually want to know more about whatever and wind up all tangled up in the net finding out about it. The net is great. I love having this immense library, meetinghouse, and cork board rolled up in one right here on my table top.
     I'm looking more into guns tonight, not just for reviews but for information in general. And I'm completely immersed in the bowels of the Rec.guns site. These folks have a way of explaining things that is both informative and interesting. Take this part of the intro to the glossary, for instance:

Please note that any derogatory remarks about Glocks and their owners in this section are intended to be humourous and are here merely to balance the glorification that they have received elsewhere.
    They have an exhaustive array of information there, quite a lot of it safety related.

    Hey, guess what?  
