24 Jun 00
 in the
generated by
Conman Laboratories

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Synergy Corp
I'm Hired!

     Thank you everybody who wished me well and added positive energy, as well as those who gave me good advice, and those who gave me leads, and just everybody. I got hired to streamline and facilitate operations for a residential property development company, and I really like their style. The challenge is meaty and the company is growing and metamorphosing and it's just a big juicy thing. I'm gleeful.
     Now I have to move. My lease runs out at the end of the month. I might be able to stall a little, but I'd rather not. Don't want the negative vibes. The company is down in South Jersey near Cherry Hill, so I probably will wind up down that way, although I'll take up to a 30 minute commuting radius, 45 if I find just a stunning place. Even am thinking about living in PA, since it's so close. Hmmmmm.  
