31 Mar 02

people i know
The Boston Diaries
Resilient's LiveJournal
Azagthoth's LiveJournal
other great journallers
Medea Sin
The Daily Brad

brought to you by
Conman Laboratories


Guess How Many Pages Are In This Jar

Guess what? Napalm tells me that this page is the 967th HTML page in my site, according to find and wordcount. Woo hoo! See, cow-orker? Didn't I tell you I had more than 570 pages?

The other day, one of my cow-orkers was mentioning that M$ FrontPage starts borking rather badly if you have more than 570 pages in your site. I mentioned a thank goodness that I don't use FrontPage, and another cow-orker expressed astonishment that I have a site that could be over the limit.

Now you know!

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connected || ExplodingGoat || joyfulNOIZE
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