03 Mar 02

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"The Horizon is Now" Part II

I am getting used to working the job I'm working. The phones are not nearly as big a deal as many of us feared. There's a lot I don't know, but I'm not on my own - there's a support system behind me that's just incredible. It feels so nice having a little teamwork in the workplace for a change. This is something I had really been missing in previous employment situations.

NegiYo logoI brought home my training manual this weekend so that I could integrate my notes into it. There is just so much information, I can't possibly keep it all in my head. I use my training manual for reference every single day, but not everything could possibly be covered in training, so I am finding out new stuff constantly. When that new stuff goes into my little notebook, good luck on ever finding it ever again, amid all the notes I make while investigating things.

So I brought home the manual so I can transcribe my notes into the appropriate tab-separated sections, and I got some blank tabs from Facilities so I can make the new sections for a couple of whole topics that need writing up.

I also got another binder. My training manual was getting so fat, it was unmanageable, so I separated it into a reference section and a doctrine section. The doctrine wound up being about 1/3 of the entire thing. Wow. Well, anyway, there's more room for reference now.

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