15 Feb 02

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Conman Laboratories


Inside Information

Today's my last day of training here at NegiYo. It's been a marvelous six weeks, although it had its ups and downs, and I have been learning so much that it makes me high.

I still have this persistent feeling that I'm about to get in trouble. It's a really annoying feeling that intensified when some folks' background checks didn't quite work out right, and whenever the big training boss came by. With every new judgment call I'm allowed to make, with every tentative instance of sticking my neck out or taking initiative, I feel this glittering doom. It trickles in when people get called aside for whatever reason. It's approaching paranoia.

I guess this is because things are too good, and I'm not used to things being too good for too long.

Not that things are perfect. We face some challenging stuff in the near future, especially the fate of Condo Napalm, and how we are going to handle things when my kids eventually get here.

Well, I haven't been letting it stand in my way. I'm still taking initiative and making decisions. I don't mind taking a risk or looking silly, in the line of duty. Or maybe part of me does mind, and that's why the persistent anxiety. Hm.

Ah well, anyway...

Today is the last day of training. This afternoon, we aren't really training. Our mission is to gather up any stuff on the hard drives that we want to keep and move it all over to our network drives. I didn't realize time would be set aside for this, so I had already done it on the sly this morning, along with exporting my bookmarks and email settings and messages.

So, now I have this time free. I'm using it to look at Disturbing Search Requests and to read up on this fascinating inside view of the Olympics.

Tonight after work, my classmates and instructors are getting together at the Surf Cafe for a graduation party. Sigh. I wish I'd known ahead of time. I have some critical missions to accomplish and can't make it.

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