10 Feb 02

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Notes From A Move - Mystery Dog

The scene began with the loud knock at the door, as we were packing up for another run. The doorbell is broken, so there is a sign on it saying to knock loudly, and this person did. We thought it might be our last helper, who was running a bit late, but it turned out to be the local postal person. She had a certified letter for my deceased mother-in-law, so Napalm took it.

I couldn't believe it. It was another letter about the dog we don't have. Not only did it tell us that we have a dog, but that the VP of the condo association saw one of us walking it. The letter repeated the threat of a fine.

See? This kind of crap is why we are leaving. Our friends were shaking their heads in amazement, asking us things like:
Why didn't the association ask our neighbors about this alleged dog?
Why didn't the VP actually watch whoever it is who has the dog to see what unit they walked into?
Why didn't anyone actually speak to the dog walker?
Does the dog walker even exist or is this a big contrivance to harass us out?

I'm still irritated. By the way, several of our neighbors stopped by while we were moving out to ask what was going on. Napalm filled them in on the situation, and they asked the same questions as above. Sadly, we don't have the answers. Another of our neighbors is moving out soon too. I guess maybe she won't take the crap either.

Word is getting out about this place. It's been getting out for some time, as whenever people would ask us where we live, we'd tell them, and they'd just boggle, asking us how we could stand it. Well it seems their reputation is only getting worse. Soon, they won't be able to sell units. There are other things that can depreciate property value besides the condition of your patio furniture. Association hostility is one of them. These people are going to learn that far too late.

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