07 Feb 02

people i know
The Boston Diaries
Resilient's LiveJournal
Azagthoth's LiveJournal
other great journallers
Medea Sin
The Daily Brad

brought to you by
Conman Laboratories



I tell you one thing I wish for. I wish Netscape could handle nested tables. I wish Netscape could handle nested tables that have colors defined in the TABLE tag. I wish Netscape could handle nested tables that have colors defined in the TD tag. I wish Netscape could handle lots of stuff. Poor Napalm. His website looks like 1981 in Netscape.

It really curdles my cream that now, just as I have a design I am pleased as punch with, Netscape barfs on it, and I have to revert to something uglier. I have to do that at lunch break or tonight or after this weekend or something - it hasn't been changed yet. Dammit, dammit, dammit. I really LIKE this design.

My fault. I don't even check for Netscape compatibility anymore, because only a tiny fraction of my visitors use it. However, it turns out that said fraction happens to be a couple people I care about, so that makes it more relevant.

I also wish I had noticed the hosed-up bold tags in the links at the bottom of all my pages way back before I cloned the template all over my site. I just noticed today. Ugh. It doesn't break anything, but it speaks ill of me as a designer.

I wish I knew where all my lighters got off to, as well as all my chapsticks.

Well, anyway, there's other stuff I wish for. As I cruise around the net looking at stuff and thinking about stuff, I catch myself thinking, "Damn I wish I had a Paypal account or a Visa check card or something, because I sure could use one of these things on this here page." Well, ok, those are not my exact thoughts. You get the drift.

I finally got fed up and started a wishlist. This is not for you. Don't go there. The only reason I am linking to it is so that when the archive script comes rumbling through here to back up my site, it will find the wishlist and back that up too. I lost some webpages last time because it is configured to follow links, not grab the contents of entire directories, so stuff that was never linked to... RIP. Serves me right too. I shouldn't keep stuff lying around all dead and stuff.

Anyway, this wishlist is for me, so I can keep up with the things I want to go back and get later, before so much time has passed that regret kicks in. It's not for you. So don't go there.

Ok, you can go there. If you really want. I'm just not begging. Heh.

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