09 Jun 00
 in the
generated by
Conman Laboratories

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Synergy Corp
Full Time

     Erg! I am so wore out. Looking for a job is a full time job, you know. Or it should be. If I am not busy during business hours, then I am not doing it right. And the research for available positions means working many nights and weekends too.
     Tomorrow I have to go out with a friend to look at a new venture and review a business plan. I'm not too hot on the idea of the partnership that's being proposed, which I can't talk about much yet. It's risky, and I'm not in the position to fool with risks just now. Also, the prospective partner, while incredibly talented in some respects, is also very sloppy and blindly optimistic in others. I wouldn't even think of getting into something like this without the primary decision making authority. That alone will probably kill the deal. I'd want the partner to completely focus on sales, and leave purchasing and administration to me. Somehow, I don't see that happening.
     Plus, there hasn't been any marketing research done for this area. It seems kind of stupid to launch something without the homework. But we'll see. If nothing else, it will be a pleasant day out.  
