04 Nov 01

bigass list
of entries

 in the
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Conman Laboratories
The Hardest Thing

It would suck sometimes to be a super hero. The hardest thing about having an amazing ability is using it responsibly. What if the super hero screws up and gets somebody killed by accident? What if they start using their powers out of greed instead of benevolence? The second hardest thing is exercising some modesty, and compassion. I think a super hero would be vulnerable to big head disease.

If people really did have superpowers, would they be more inclined to be super heroes, or super villains? Wouldn't the heroes get corrupted after time? Would the villains ever straighten out? Or would they all meet in the middle somewhere, maybe?

Unless you can't guess, this is another test. Somehow the Bigass Master List of Entries is getting cut off at exactly 48K, and it's having to be repaired by hand. It's a bit weird. 

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