06 Oct 01

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Conman Laboratories
Under Oath

I am so itching to reprint an email I got today. But I don't do that without permission (unless it's spam) and I'm not likely to get permission from this individual who is scandalized and shocked at how I put my personal details on the net for everyone to see.

It's such an interesting and thought provoking email that the temptation is great. But I won't. Many of the questions are the same that every online journaller winds up fielding, the "why" sorts of questions. Why do you write your life online? Why do you reveal personal things about yourself? Aren't you ashamed? Those sorts of things.

I'd be ashamed if I were the sort to speak about people in gossipy whispers, especially if my words got back to them. I'm not ashamed to tell the truth in front of God and everybody. That's absurd. That's like being ashamed of your testimony in court. Well, what if you were under oath all the time? What would your life be like then? 

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