28 Aug 01

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Irons in the Fire

I used to bitch out a former boss of mine because he always had more projects going on than he could handle on his own. He was always talking about his irons in the fire. I can't bitch much these days, because I have a bunch of irons in the fire, too. Way too many, in fact. Sad thing is that most of them need a goodly bit more development before they can pay for themselves yet, much less pay for my livelihood.

But some of these ideas! I mean, I am even getting other people excited about some of these, they are so great!

You know, I think the fertility of my mind has been restored by removing me from a corporate environment. Maybe.

Oh, by the way, thanks for the emails. I am feeling MUCH better now. Still a bit tired, but most of the congestion has departed. 

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