04 Aug 01

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Strange Dreams

In chat today, I was telling Wlofie about some strange dreams I had last night. I wanted to paste the story here, because it's kind of weird. So I stripped out the usernames and his comments, just leaving mine here. I left these lines with the same lack of capitalization and punctuation that's my norm for chat.

-- i didnt realize until today that this dream is one i have over and over again. usually i forget this dream after i have had it, but this time i remembered it and all the other ones like it before
-- i am with my unit in Dahran
-- we are holed up in a largish building with adobe exterior
-- it's very hot, very bright
-- the sky is blue blue blue
-- and we are inside making ready for an attack that we expect that day
-- mostly we are already prepared, it's just psyching ourselves up
-- murphy, for some reason, is angry at us
-- he's been living in a car out on the curb for a week or so
-- one of the sergeants
-- so he needs to get his ass back inside the walls
-- everything is quiet and completely still
-- that's the whole dream
-- the feeling of it is irritation and resentment
-- it's like our team is no longer a cohesive unit
-- but we have to pull it together before the attack
-- it definitely has a negative vibe
-- but it's not scary
-- last night i also dreamed about infiltrating a library
-- someone had died in an uprising, a student protestor
-- there was a secret memorial to her in the sewers
-- i had to pass it on the way to the interior wall space to climb up into the library
-- a college library
-- the dream ended just as i entered the upper floor of the library, so i dont know why i was there
-- it was very dark and wet and narrow in the wall, it was stone
-- but there were footholds
-- i touched her statue with reverence
I am going to redesign the front entrance to the site very soon. I captured some images that happened to have excelent color and composition, totally by accident. Plus there are some additional ID scans to add to the flight line pass that's at the beginning now. 

current image
