28 May 01

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Self Fulfilling Prophecy

I think I've lost a friend because she was afraid of losing a friend. Does that make any sense? I think it's happened. Someone was so nervous about the state of things in general, and how they might affect her specifically, that she withdrew.

It's called a self fulfilling prophecy, and you've heard of it before. Sometimes the saying or the thinking of a thing brings about its own result. If you decide, for instance, that your cat, as it grows older, will become uncaring and aloof, you may be less inclined to show it affection as it grows. You may be less patient to waste your affections on something you are sure will shun you later. Your cat will find you a cold and unfeeling creature, and will soon stop wasting its time purring at your hand. And you will be right after all. But it was your own doing.

If you decide you are losing a friendship, you may wind up cutting those ties.

Well, for what it's worth, I will always consider my friend a gentle and caring soul who never had a malicious bone in her body, and who did nothing but wonderful and generous things for me, and to whom I have much gratitude. I never understood her, but I always cared for her, and I always wish her well. 

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