16 Mar 01

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The Bankruptcy Bill

This issue is pretty close to home, as I'm filing for Chapter 7 even as we speak.

The new legislation would still not require individuals to prove insolvency. But a bankruptcy judge would have to use a complex formula to decide if debts can be eliminated -- a system that is expected to keep many people from qualifying.

Kathleen Day
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, March 16, 2001; Page A01

Oh, god. More complex formulae in the government. As if the crazy way we do taxes weren't enough.

Senate Version
House Version

I am still hoping to find out just how the bill is supposed to make things harder. What does this mean to me? Who's my champion?

I wish I actually had time to read this information, and sift it for the answers. Maybe this weekend. Maybe I can flesh out my notes then, too. 

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