20 Jan 01

bigass list
of entries

 in the
generated by
Conman Laboratories
and powered by
Synergy Corp
Quotes, Quotes, Quotes

I am updating my signature quote file. I can't help it. I can't stop. I have this enormous document made of three other documents to sift through for the nuggets suitable for use as email taglines. I am driven. I am crazed. I am only roughly 25 percent through the bigass file, and I've been at this for hours! Augh!

I have journal entries to write. I want to write about how much I will miss Clinton, and how surprised I am about it. I want to write something about the tryst with rorshachtest, for sticking away somewhere. I wanted to also write about other stuff that has already sifted through my sieve of a brain. Ack!

Quotes, quotes, quotes, most of them funny. Help!!!

Oh crap. My temperature just hit 100. I just got through telling Boober he had to be in bed onaconna his fever, so now by my own rule, I gotta get in bed. *sigh* 

current image
