02 Jan 01

bigass list
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Bouie told me solemnly one day, as one of the sergeants called out for me, "Don't you go running for nobody."

Bouie was, or certainly at least seemed, professional. He knew his regulations inside and out. I don't recall ever having seen him screw up a form, or blow off a task, or give anybody any kind of problem. But he didn't go barrelling out when his name was called, either. He said he was on his way and then he got there. He didn't run for nobody.

What he was trying to tell me, and what I still struggle with, is that being eager to serve shouldn't cost you your self respect, nor the respect of your peers. If you act like a peon, you'll be treated like one, and respected as much as one. You have to carry yourself. You have respect yourself and in doing so, expect the same. Whatever your rank or assignment.

Bouie and I were just Spec-4's, and clerks, but he showed a hell of a lot more dignity than I did. At the time I didn't see it. At the time I didn't understand.

I do now. Thanks, man. 

current image:
of kids
of me
