15 Dec 00

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I Feel OK

Today was a pretty good day, health-wise. I've been planning for a long time to keep a diary of how I feel, what I eat, when my period comes, etc. but so far have not pulled it off. I would love to know how to explain this boon, the reprieve from headache and nausea and knee pain today has been. I saw the doctor yesterday, for all the good it did. No labs. No diagnosis. No plan, beyond a follow-up Just a scrip for Naproxin. Screw that.

*sigh* Last night was a hard night. I was more bitter than I should have been. I was accusatory. The situation may be something that cannot be helped.

But there is loss. My #1 fear was probably dead on.

Well, I need to fold it up and put it away and try to be a good friend. 

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